What I bought at the Big Bad Wolf 2019

On March 2, 2019, I and Allonah went to the Big Bad Wolf book sale located at World Trade Center, Metro Manila, Pasay city . The event’s duration is from February 22 to March 4, 2019 . Their doors are open for 24 hours a day.

A shot inside the venue

I was both overwhelmed and underwhelmed by the books available. Yes, there are many books you can choose from. But most books there aren’t my cup of tea(I don’t even drink tea, lol). I tried to find a book about computer programming but to no avail and gave up on the idea of finding one. Fortunately, there are some books that I like. After around 3 hours, we finally decided to line-up at the cashier. The queue was short, probably because we were there early.

Another shot inside the venue

There are sample copies for some books which you can browse to give you an idea of what’s inside. I already have an idea of the 2 books that I bought.

The Big Book of Hacks
DC Comics: Super-Villains: The Complete Visual History

If you want go there, you still have time.