Sambokojin: Japanese and Korean buffet

This was when my family came to Metro Manila to see me last week. We decided to eat in Sambokojin at SM Megamall.

I haven’t included all pictures that I took because some of them are blurry. Well, even some of the included ones are blurry.

I just want to share some pictures that I took. There are 5 sections or stations here.

The 5 stations are what I call:

  • Main station
  • Dessert and salad station
  • Fancy meat station
  • Sushi station
  • Beverage station

Here is the main station:

Here is the dessert and salad station:

The fancy meat station:

This is my favorite station, the sushi station:

They have many selection of drinks at the beverage station:

I want to try to taste them all. I will definitely come back here every now and then.

Speaking of coming back, you can collect stamps and you could get a free buffet if you complete the 10 stamps.