I just want to share my build for my daily driver(if I am not on the go) desktop PC. The build was started way back in 2016. It can still be upgraded. Actually, I added a dGPU this year. I utilized the iGPU of the CPU before getting this dGPU. I use this PC for…
All posts in April 2019
A shift register abstraction in Golang
This builds up on the Golang ar150gpio package I made for accessing the GPIOs of the GL.iNet AR-150 router. If you are interested, here is the blog entry for it. As the number of outputs of the router is limited, I decided to write an abstraction for use with the shift register 74HC595N to expand…
Soldering my own HDMI cable
The preset lengths for HDMI cables that are for sale are not optimal for use in making DIY handheld PCs. Don’t forget the width. The Raspberry Pi seems to be the most popular for this kind of project. Actually, I made a handheld PC myself based on the Raspberry Pi 3 B. This cable is…
Goggle costume
Have you experienced seeing a cool costume and hope that you can make one (Yes, we’ve all been there. haha)? Especially with the advent of 3d printing and what not, it is not untypical to see this type of project. I am not saying that the one I made is that cool but at least…